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This official website is maintained by the Notice Administrator retained and supervised by End-Payor Plaintiffs’ Counsel for the case entitled In re HIV Antitrust Litigation, Civil Action No. 3:19-cv-02573-EMC
Antiretroviral Medication Class Action

What is this Lawsuit About?

If you purchased Atripla®, Biktarvy®, Complera®, Descovy®, Evotaz®, Genvoya®, Odefsey®, Prezcobix®, Stribild®, Symtuza®, Truvada®, or Viread®, a class action lawsuit may affect your rights. If you are a member of one or both classes, your legal rights will be affected whether you act or don’t act, so please read this notice carefully.

The End-Payor Plaintiffs (those who brought this lawsuit) allege that the manufacturers of these drugs—Defendants Gilead, Janssen, and BMS (which has settled with Plaintiffs)—impaired or delayed the availability of allegedly less-expensive generic versions of certain of the Products and, more generally, engaged in anticompetitive conduct to keep the prices of certain of the Products high. All of the Defendants deny the essential allegations of the Complaint.

The Court has certified three Damages Classes and three Injunctive Classes in this lawsuit (the “Classes”). The Damages Classes are made up of third-party payors (“TPPs”) only (i.e., not individual consumers); the Injunctive Classes are made up of both TPPs and consumers.


Exclusion Deadline
March 15, 2023

Your Legal Rights and Options

If you are a member of one of more of the Damages Classes:
You may write to the Notice Administrator, A.B. Data, and exclude yourself from the Damages Classes, which allows you to file a lawsuit against Defendants that asserts damages claims related to the allegations or claims in this case. The exclusion deadline is March 15, 2023. Your identity will not be made public during any part of the exclusion process.
If you do nothing, you will be bound by the outcome of the case, whether a judgment is rendered for or against Defendants. Unless you exclude yourself, you will not be able to file a lawsuit or be part of any other lawsuit asserting claims against Defendants concerning or relating to the claims and factual allegations that were or could have been raised in this lawsuit.
If you are a member of one of more of the Injunctive Classes:
You will be bound by the outcome of litigation. You do not have the ability to opt out of the Injunctive Classes.
Learn More in the Notice

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